Unlock the Secrets of the Law of Vibration
Who is it for?
Die-hard Gann researchers looking to “crack the markets” and fully understand Gann’s system, no matter how difficult or how long it takes!
Scientific researchers who see an obvious order of some kind in the financial markets and want to understand and quantify the scientific principles behind it.
Esoteric scholars who seek the symbiotic relationship between universal phenomena and human consciousness as implied in the Esoteric Traditions.
For those who possess a genuine desire to understand the scientific system behind the financial markets, or who are dedicated to “cracking” Gann’s Law of Vibration, this is the best, if not the only path for you.
The study of Cosmological Economics delves directly into the study of natural science and mathematical order, seeking to uncover the underlying principles of causation that lie not only behind market phenomena, but behind all systems in nature, be they physical, biological or psychological.
This science explores the subtle relationships between man and the cosmos, in a scientific and esoteric quest to determine whether there are truly causative forces behind systems like the financial markets, or some other kind of correlative factors that intimately interlink them. This is a deep and complex study requiring serious commitment, and generally many years of research into numerous fields of study.
For a better understanding of the principles and theories behind this field of study, see our introductory material on Cosmoeconomics, its Origins & History , Foundations, and Proof in our Information Center.
Dr. Jerome Baumring's Investment Centre Study Program
For this study, we recommend the work of Dr. Jerome Baumring of the Investment Center, who’s Gann Harmony: The Law of Vibration Seminar Series in the 1980’s laid out the most advanced and complete study of the subject every developed. There is really no other study that attempts to completely "CRACK GANN" as was Baumring's intention, though Lorrie Bennett's series comes a close second, having been inspired by Baumring's work, but with more details and explanations presented up front than Baumring was willing to reveal.
The listings and links below will take you to the specific courses, but also be sure to visit the Baumring Showcased Author Page for numerous links to further introductory and supporting material related to this important study. It was Dr. Baumring’s work that inspired and provided the foundations for this website and that provides the core teaching of the field of Cosmological Economics. There has been no deeper or more advanced study of Gann and the scientific and cosmological bases of market order every developed, but the study leaves the researcher to put together the material for himself. This is why Bennett's work is so useful as it helps to better understand and apply Baumring's vast teachings.
As has been discussed in the Origins & History section of our Introduction to Cosmoeconomics, Dr. Baumring was the preeminent master of Gann Theory and the only one known of to have fully “cracked” Gann’s Theory of The Law of Vibration, having uncovered the full spectrum of the scientific system behind it, extending it to even new levels beyond those understood by Gann. The problem with Baumring is that he was extremely hesitant to outright explain his insights, so rather he left a trail of research materials and lecture notes which the dedicated researcher could follow to his own conclusions.
The teachings of Dr. Baumring provide the core theoretical structure of this website and represent the bulk of the research materials presented here, being essential source works for the study of Cosmological Economics and Gann Theory as presented by Dr. Baumring.
Dr. Lorrie V. Bennett
Dr Lorrie Bennett's Law of Vibration Series is an attempt to present the scientific and esoteric mechanics behind the entire system behind W. D. Gann's theory of the Law of Vibration. Dr. Bennett carries on and expands the earlier breakthrough work of Dr. Jerome Baumring, but Lorrie better explains many of the ideas that Baumring taught in a logical, clear and well presented thesis developed in great detail, with elaborate explanations, documentation and illustration. What Baumring only hinted at and refused to explain, Bennett lays out for much easier undertanding.
As such, Dr. Bennett's work is presented in a 4-Volume series, beginning with introductory material on Theoretical Wave Mechanics in The Law of Vibrations by the Patterns, followed by her major breakthroughs in Gann Analysis coming in Volumes 2-4. This was inspired by her breaking some complex codes used by Gann to conceal his deeper secrets. Dr. Bennett spent 20 years cracking Gann's system and will be presenting every detail she can manage to explain through her 4-volume series.
Vol 2, Numbers will present the 13 Sacred Numbers behind Gann's Cycle and Number Theory. Vol 3, Planets will decode Gann's most mysterious book, The Tunnel Thru The Air, and will develop a new astronomical/astrological system, recovered from the Ancients which generates timing signals based upon advanced celestial mechanics, solar physics, and astrological theory. Vol 4, Geometry will be the sumnational work which will tie it all together integrating the numerical and astronomical theory with the pure geometry of the markets.
Along with the Baumring Series, this is THE MOST ADVANCED theoretical work that we have in our catalog, and explores in its study the breadth of knowledge that is known of the markets, providing a scientific basis to the causal and ordering principles behind the markets. It is the most cutting edge work we have and the strongest extension of the work of Dr. Baumring, which is the core inspiration of this site. Dr. Bennett's 4 Volume Gann Series is the equivalent of a PhD program in the science behind the market.
The Study Requirement
Mastery of Baumring’s Gann Harmony Courses entails an equivalent level of work to that of Ph.D. student in science and economics, and requires a minimum of 3-5 years of dedicated research and study to fully penetrate the subject. This is not a course that can be scanned through superficially in the hopes of gaining some quick answer or market secret.
It requires a long and dedicated training through many complex and challenging subjects and entire fields of knowledge, incorporating them into an integrated system that is best described as Universal Cosmology, in the context that such terms were used by Ancient or Renaissance thinkers. For more background, see the articles on the Foundations of this Tradition also listed in the links at the bottom of this page.
This study incorporates 100’s of other important works from the financial, scientific and metaphysical fields, so ultimately, any other useful reference work that provides insights into this field will be included within the Baumring study itself. In fact, most of the books on this website are reference works providing background research or specialized applications integrated into the wider Baumring educational program.
This means that Dr. Baumring’s program will ultimately guide students through every important work related to this field, and will guide students to every important concept connected with this market orientation. Students do have some leeway, however, and can somewhat limit their range of study to more specialized or narrow focuses of interest, or angles of approach, depending upon their focus and intention. There are many perspectives from which to approach this vast field, and mastery of every angle of the study is not required to reach the goal of forecasting and trading.
Dr. Baumring’s educational program is one of a kind! It is the only study to even begin to explore the full breadth of the science behind Gann’s Law of Vibration. Therefore, it is the only recommendation we can provide to fulfill the goal of “cracking Gann,” which will lead to a thorough understanding of the cosmological system behind the order of the financial markets. There is simply nothing else available from any source that even attempts to accomplish this goal.
Every Gann researcher that we have ever seen master this subject did so through the influence or guidance of the Baumring courses, and their knowledge far surpasses that of the other experts in the field.
Additions Key Reference Works
Aside from Baumring and Bennett, there are a few other authors who also approach the study of Gann in a similar manner. The following two authors were not influenced by Dr. Baumring's work, but their depth, style and focus are very similar to Baumring, so we would highly recommend them in conjunction with the Baumring/Bennett study, as like Bennett's work they provide deep and valuable insights into the deeper science behind Gann.
Johannes Sundberg
Sundberg's new Gann astro-trading course is another of our 3 TOP trading courses that is absolutely loved by everyone, presenting utterly profound new revelations of Gann Theory. It unveils some of Gann’s best hidden secrets, in particular, how to Square Price and Time in the proper way and the ONLY way to properly create Gann Angles by using planetary phenomena! This was Gann's way of mapping the cosmos onto the market chart. It strives to build a solid base for interpreting Gann by showing step by step how the cosmological forces of our solar system are translated into market prices every day. This work along with Selene's demonstrates most clearly how celestial mechanics provide the underlying force behind the markets.
Since the paths of the astronomical forces are known and can be calculated ages in advance, so can we forecast the future just like the astronomer does. This course presents a unique methodology showing how to puzzle together the different pieces that Gann left behind into to a workable trading methodology. Through this rethinking of the use of astro-geometry, we can generate superb trade set-ups with low risk and extremely attractive returns. Just see the number and variety of Sundberg's forecasted trade setups here.
Eric Penicka
First is Eric Penicka's Gann Science, which takes us back to Gann's first published interview in The Ticker, the piece that Gann is most famous from. Penicka approaches Gann's Theory from the principles discussed in The Ticker interview. Like Dr. Baumring and Dr. Bennett, Penicka explores the sciences and known references from Gann's time and reverse-engineers a system of tools that may explain how Gann made his famous forecasts and traded 1000% in 1 month.
Penicka presents a solid foundation in the sciences and perspective of Gann's time, then leads into the process by which trading tools are developed based upon the Periodic Table and Gann's explanation of the Law of Vibration. This is an excellent introductory course to Gann Analysis for someone new to the subject and takes one a long way into a deep science that few understand.